Sep 15, 2007

just a ray of light.

I can see it now BUT it is far away ................

our mission in this blog is to make it here in front of us .

to lead us.... to motivate lighten our road in the medical world.

we will not only discuss the core of doctors but also

every thing surrouds him..................

social , politic,entertainment or emotional things .

we really need your prayers to achieve our goals.....

special thanks to farah elkolob who takes me from the darkness of my thoughts to a bright light

by contributing her in this blog. i hope to help her to achieve our goals in this blog.

special thanks to dr famy and tabeb gara7 for their nice comments.

finally, i want from my self first and from every medical student

to put in our minds these words;

our aim is not to be stars but our real aim is to lighten the world in the dark .


farah elkolob said...


حقيقى انا سعيده بمشاركتك لى ومؤازرتك لى فى اشياء كتير منها البلوج دى

ربنا يبارك فيكى

MZ said...

حلوة اول مشاركة ليك في البلوج يا رورو

عموما احنا مستنيين الكلام الكبير اللي انت كاتباه

مستنيين البوست الجاي

كفايـة طيبـة said...

يا اهلا وسهلا

اول مرة اتكعبل فى البلوج الجامد ده

ربنا يكرمكم يارب

مدونة حلوة اوى

مع انها طبية بس قريتها من اول بوست

ربنا معاكوا ياقمرات

بوست جامد يارورو

MoMo & Haneen :)